Children's Ministry
Young People
Following on from Baptism, the nurturing and development of our young children on their spiritual journey is very important to us. In support of this, children of school age may take part in their own liturgy during Sunday Mass.
At Christmas, children take part in short Nativity celebrations before the Christmas mass, this gives pleasure to young and old alike and is a delightful beginning to the Christmas liturgical season. Christmas is a time for celebration and our annual children’s Christmas party is a very lively example of this!
The expectation is, that as our young people mature into young adults they will further their commitment as active followers of Christ through receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Each year the parish can sponsor young people to accompany the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes as helpers.

Altar Servers
This is a group of young members of our Parish who are trained (or training) as Altar Servers. It is entirely voluntary, there is no minimum period of service and anyone who has made their First Holy Communion is welcome to join. Training usually takes place over 2-3 years of regular attendance (depending on age) leading to enrolment into the Guild of St Stephen. Receiving the St Stephen’s medal is a sign of leadership and commitment to altar serving in the future.
Any young person who is interested should come along with a parent to the Sacristy after Sunday mass for a short introduction. There is no long term obligation. All we ask is that, if you decide to join, you come along to training once a month and serve as often as you can.
We are also looking to have a senior/adult team of altar servers who would come together occasionally to support the Parish and help lead the younger members of our team.
For any enquiries, please approach one of the parent leaders Tilly Berry in Crowborough or contact Father Irek in any of our churches.

Children's Liturgy
During the 9AM Sunday mass in Uckfield and 11AM in Crowborough, (check it in the Parish Newsletter) children are invited to join the Children’s Liturgy Group. This is so that they can celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their level of understanding.
The Children’s Liturgy is not religious instruction or childminding.The children do what the rest of the community is doing at this point in the Mass, but in a way that is more suited to them, with discussions and some practical activity too.
The Children’s Liturgy Group has tradionally been run by the parents of the children attending it, and it is important that new parents become involved as the children grow and take part in other aspects of the church community.
If you want to find out any more information then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our parish is committed to the safe guarding policies of the Diocese and the Catholic Church in England and Wales: to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from any form of abuse or maltreatment and to protect a safe environment for them, in which they can flourish humanly and spiritually.
Our Parish Safeguarding coordinator in Crowborough is Anita Dean, Cathy Kay in Uckfield & Janet Desmond in Herons Ghyll.
You can find more about Safeguarding `policy of our Parish and Diocese here.